Occupational Therapist
Dr. Jeanne Kloeckner has been a practicing occupational therapist since 1980. Now in private practice, she has worked in a variety of settings including schools, hospitals, academia, outpatient clinics as well as community and home-based services. In the late 1990s, Jeanne began incorporating elements of “self-regulation” into her treatment sessions with clients who exhibited challenges with impulse control, task focus, emotional regulation and social skills. She uses this highly effective technique with children from first grade to teenagers and adults. Meditation Facilitator Jeanne is formally trained to teach mindfulness, and finds that mindfulness and self-regulation are uniquely, positively correlated. She is pleased to provide her clients and classes with personalized in-depth and comprehensive sessions grounded in her extensive and broad base of experience, knowledge and training. Yoga Instructor Jeanne’s initial introduction to mindfulness was through yoga practice, which she began attending in the mid 1980s. The personal benefits led Jeanne to become a yoga teacher, which she has sustained for over 24 years. She also is certified to teach YOGAKIDS. Vertical Divider
Jeanne lives with her husband and daughter, and their five chickens, in St. Louis, Mo., and is the founder of Mindful Solutions StL.